September 6, 2008

Red Cruiser blogged this site for lavender recipes recently. I bookmarked it instantly since I had bought dried lavender from the Farmer's Market some time ago and still hadn't used it.
At Whole Foods today I bought butter and a new bag of whole wheat flour. All set!
John and I don't need 3 dozen cookies so I decided to half the recipe. Brown sugar, oatmeal, egg, flour, baking powder. All halved. On accident, milk, vanilla not halved but fine b/c the batter was dry anyway. No worries until I was plopping teaspoons onto the baking sheet and decided to try the batter. Whoa. Strong. That's when I realized I didn't halve the lavender- and that was a problem. Crap.
I probably should have cut my losses at this point but I decided to go ahead and add additional flour, sugar, etc. to make the original batch to match the amount of lavender. After all of that, I was still wary but went ahead and put the first pan in the oven.
As I feared, even with the yummy dark chocolate and extra vanilla, they were way to strong. John said it was "like eating potpourri." So they survived the picture but not much else. I can't eat them. What a waste of sugar, fat and chocolate.
Anyways, happy Saturday!


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